Crop Dusting

Anyone else do this on a regular basis at their work?

I started at this job in early November and at least once a week I crop dust just because it’s funny. I don’t even share a cubicle with anyone so I could easily just sit here and baste in it but I choose the comedic route.

The real trick is to try and do it so that no one even sees you at all. Like Ninja crop dusting.

Someone probably figured me out by now, so I may have to switch up my game and start sabatoging co-workers to make it look like they are doing it.


Some guy shit his pants at my counter yesterday

I just let it rip when I feel like it.

but yea, I make it a note to crop dust past someone if they annoy me. What is also odd is my uncanny ability to instantly fart in the car as soon as i get in

ha i thought you actually flew planes over fields and sprayed crops…

hahaha me too

Girls don’t poop.

The title made me think about a biplane and a corn field, you through me way off.

I visted a friend who was a 3rd grade teacher during school hours… i crop dusted but accidently made it audible… I blamed it on a fat kid and he took the heat. The nice thing about 3rd graders…they don’t believe adults fart.

^^ Why is there a T-Rex in your sig?

Stupid 3rd graders.

if you ever wanna be unattracted to a girl, think of her on the toilet with the runs and all sweaty.

ugh what? Thats totally hot… i like a nice fatty with a bead of sweat rolling down her neck pinch off a titanic black kid

I dont necessarily crop dust, but rather trap people in their cubes…

but my all time favorite wasnt at work…

Skunk and I were going to hockey over the winter, and it was one of those really cold days

Well I laid a really nice egg for him and he tried to roll down his windows only to find that the were frozen shut! hahahaha baked that envoy nicely!

I wish we had an elevator where I work.

the best is walking through campus, especially in that stupid hallway between NSC and Talbert in between classes where theres like 2000 people shoulder to shoulder, and laying down some heat that could bring a farm animal to tears. No one knows where it came from, but everyone acknowledges it.

Thats where acting comes in. Gotta be like “wow what the fuck” yada yada yada.


I was at Dave and Busters awhile back. There was this game I wanted to play but there were these guys on it for like 2 hours straight. Couldn’t get near it.

Those two hours were just enough time for my friend to start digesting the sushi he just ate. He went up behind the guys and eased one out and quickly walked away. They got up and ran! It was unbelievable. There were people walking through who would speed up their walk just to get through the cloud. I was laughing so hard I had tears in my eyes.

That was perhaps the most well executed crop dusting I have ever witnessed. It had a purpose, and it worked like a charm!

I smoked out half of the Fitness Factory once. Everyone around me was in tears. One guy was talking about how he used to work in sewers and it wasn’t that bad. I just kept lifting like I was in my own little world. :lol:

I stopped eating peanut butter after that…

i fart at work all the time. i dont even try to hide it.

then i lift up my shirt, and rub my enormous gut

I wait until Ive got my nuclear waste dairy farts.

Im lactose intolerant.

Very sulphuric and burns the nostrels.

Lay it out through and isle going to smoke with people.

Ill be walking with 3 or 4 people and be in the back and just let it go, and then the people in the row are like OHHHHHHH WTFFFF

I had 3 people in the mens room leave when i was taking a dairy shit.

so you’re the reason everyone bitches about the smell…

if people deserve it…then go for it. Why stink out the innocent? Somoeone will figure you out and you will be known as the gross, stinky dude.

This is begging for a Howie story…