Me crusing home from work the other day coming off the 198 at delaware south exit ramp and a truck in front of me pulls a move that iIonly thought I knew. Going over the bridge before the last turn in the s curve there is a drop in the pavement where the street reconnects from the bridge. If you pull over to the shoulder your car doesnt bottom out and less strain on those shocks. I have never seen anyone pull into the shoulder before unless its either my friends who know about it or family. Anyone else do this? Just wondering…



thats more win than fail.

if you live in north buffalo you know about this “secret”…

I have a huge penis.

Dude brah, I was heading down the S curves doing 100, fucking broke my race car braaahhhhhhh


i read that 4 times and I’m still completely clueless as to what you are trying to say… are you telling a story? is this a question? were you drunk while typing? are you completely fucking retarded?

oh, iI understand what you mean.

Oh, it was me. I’m GOD… How did you find out my secret?:fail:

Hold on, yep, I still have a huge penis.

That’s NOT what she said.

She did actually, it was awkward though.
