Heart Attack Grille

I’m sure most of you have seen this place on TV, well the other day a few of us ventured up to this restaurant…

The fries, cooked in 100% lard wern’t half bad…

Then we ordered the entree, my one buddy and myself wern’t feeling that great (festivities from the night before) and ordered up the double bypass burger (4000 calories)…my other friend decided to go big and go with the quad (8000 calories)

I was the only one to finish my burger… and we washed the burgers down with 6 PBRs each.

This is a place that’d I’d probably never go agian, but… the waitresses are very hot… ours was excellent looking (probably because we could see her pink booty shorts through her nurse costume) and the burgers were actually very good, but so god damn dense… The only way to finish the quad is to eat it really fast, but I was getting so damn tired just eating the double…
All and all, if you’re in Phoenix area, try it out.



had to upload photos from FB as I couldn’t attach them?

haha awesome :tup:

The reflection of the photographer’s feet under the table of sitting dudes made me lol

she looked REALLY good, maybe that was the PBRs talking…

thats a good looking burger

Isn’t that the place where people over 350lbs or 300lbs eat free? How long did you make it before you had a massive case of the shits?

lol i saw the fb post.


350+ eat free. I weighed in at exactly 200 lbs :frowning: so I had to pay.

This place is the best example of 'murica. Fat ass burgers, PBR and thick ass american cheese and hot waitresses with tittys hanging out