heh, The Plague hits Al Qaeda training camp in Algeria/making biological weapons?

^Depends on the goal. If you’re trying to kill people, then maybe. If you’re trying to scare people, even a small outbreak of something as terrifying as the plague would be a huge success.

Edit: What rob said.

Well I think a lot of “scary” comes from drinking your own cool aid. Even most effective attack ever, perpetrated by the leader in the bioweapons research field who had full access to US Army’s resources resulted in what, like ~20 infections and 5 deaths? So I’m disinclined to buy into the hype.

Seems a bit random that they put at the bottom of the “telegraph” article “AQLIM bombed the UN headquarters in Algiers in 2007, killing 41.”

They trying to say even-Stevens? wtf

"U.S. intelligence officials, speaking anonymously to the Washington Times newspaper on Tuesday, could only confirm the sudden base closure after an unconventional weapons test went wrong. "

Kinda interesting, I’m sure these sickos and their senior leadership wouldn’t bat an eye to test the weapon on their own people. If it killed the base, I think the weapon worked, just not the containment.

Im pretty sure the US army doesn’t get the chance to run tests on humans :slight_smile:

they don’t have enough arab money to develop bio weapons properly?