I wonder if us, or any other nations had a hand in this, or if it’s just a coincidence? Got to admit, it certainly seems like an effective way to get rid of them (or stir some shit up at least)… trojan horse anyone?
making weapons?
I wonder if us, or any other nations had a hand in this, or if it’s just a coincidence? Got to admit, it certainly seems like an effective way to get rid of them (or stir some shit up at least)… trojan horse anyone?
making weapons?
Umm have you read the other articles? The other article said a whole Al Qaeda training base was infected…
Seems like they were working on biological weapons…which is bad…
lol @ black death.
oh damn, didn’t even notice that… that’s some scary shit
yea, not good if they are working on bio-weapons
wow… interesting
my vote is they are working on bio-weapons… this is not something fun to think about.
No doubt their goal is to make bio weapons (dirty bomb).
Cheap and easy to make compared to the ultimate weapon. A nuke.
Dirty bomb is from nuclear material.
I for one am thrilled that one of those goat herding fucks dropped a vial.
Maybe we can release a video to Al Jazeera of Obama’s entire administration singing “ring around the rosey, pocket full of posey, ashes, ashes, you all fall down! You fucking fucks!”
Yes I know that nursery rhyme isn’t actually about the black plague, but I figure they don’t have snopes in arabic. :tup:
^ lol
I never knew that song was about the plague until recently (like 2 weeks ago :P)… it’s kind of morbid
edit: wait it wasn’t? What virus was it about?
edit2: fuck… snopes to the rescue
On topic: That is scary as shit :bio-weapons:. My buddy from Iraq showed me a ton of his family’s personal photos from back in the day. Fuck.
Hey! Al Qaeda!
Love Robhimself
^ lol
George W Bush told me they were up to this years ago.
Lol @ bioweapons. They are not easy to make, not cheap, very unstable and also highly ineffective. It is much easier,cheaper and way more effective to shoot people in a head then to get them infected with something.
But bio weapons are a scary thought. A few hundred or a thousand people infected are much scarier than a few hundred people shot.