Hello Everyone (czesc)

Hi to all

My name is Lukas. I’m from Poland. I came here one year ago so excuse my english if it’s not good. I live in Toronto/Etobicoke but i’m about to move in couple months.
I love cars. Especialy skylines and silvias. This is my target by the way. Both of them.:slight_smile:
I dont really know if i’m gonna meet with enyone of u guys couse when i’m trying to speak english, strange words are comin out of my mouth:S

Anyway, nice to be here. Thanks for taking the time to read"D

P.S anyone polish here?

Welcome Lukas

I love Silvia’s & Skylines too, very beautiful cars:)

hope you enjoy your time @ TNC forums, and hopefully you can meet some of us on the streets
or even come to the meets, whenever your ready!:wink:

yup…here at tnc we want you to feel at home…great bunch of guys here and always happy to help you out…there is a meet comming soon i think…stay posted in the forums!

etobicoke you say huh i work there dunno if theres eny polish fokes i do know that theres a couple of russian guys including my self and welcome

Hey welcome I love my skyline to! Enjoy the site and you’ll met some polaks for sure…if you don’t well you’re english will get better :slight_smile:

hey man, welcome to TNC

Dont worry about your english, post away and come to some meets, best way to learn it is to write and speak it.

all i know how to say in polish is curva and dobra i think lol… my brothers ex girl friend was polish.

welcome to the site. dont worry about your typing skillz just post whatever you want.

I like here allready:D