Hello from Pittsburgh

Just posting to say what’s up? So far I’ve found a couple of cool people to invite me to this forum (including my bro :rolleyes:).

So hey to fshow from 1addicts and the cat I ran into last night at the Sunoco on Cumberland in a burnt orange 350z. It was cool talking to you and let me know who you are here.

Welcome. car?

Welcome…pics of your car?



welcome :beer:


Welcome how about a little more info



and do not posts locations

welcome :slight_smile:




What up!

fuck all you guys… he’s another one of us god-damn BMW 1 series owners :wink:

Ko… Dinan tuned come monday :slight_smile:

holy shit dude, you’re from Pittsburgh!?!? Thats a crazy coincidence. 99.8% of everyone here is too!!!111onetwokillajews

Some north hills guys up in here

Welcome good to see ya.

Thanks for the welcome…and thanks, fshow, for represnting the one. When’s the Dinan install finished?

I knew the pic requests would come, but I didn’t know they’d be so fast and furious…sorry it took a while to respond. My work interwebs sometimes don’t like this site.

Here’s a link to my flickr page (don’t know how to post pics): http://www.flickr.com/photos/27403718@N05/
