Hello from TX

juicedss referred me, I wanted to come check you guys out and say hi.:noob:


Well that was fast. Welcome!

welcome :wave:

welcome to the party

welcome aboard


thanks, i have read some of the call outs. you guys are friggin hilarious!

welcome to the board!

So how do you know Butch?:touchy: :gay3: You buy his T/A?


lol…you need to seek help. Lately you have some really :gay3: tendencies!

He knows me from hobowars.

LOL…you such a hobowhore

anyways welcome aboard :wave:

welcome aboard… I have not played HoboWars in a long time.

well hello

whats homowars?

welcome, what part oof TX

yeah what part of TX? i just moved up from houston… to buffalo

welcome man :wave:

welcome :wave:

