
Hey whats up, you all probably know me by now, so this won’t take long, My name is John I used to own the 2004 pbm GTO, I know Catch, Guffey, Starboy and everybody from around, just sayin hey whats up, I recently bought a 1986 trans am for a toy, and i must say that its a very nice car, but… I HATE DRIVING A STICK IN PITTSBURGH!!! thats why my GTO was an auto, so therefore I’m looking to trade or sell or whatever, I just want something to cruise in. Sorry for the rambling, any way whats goin on everybody hit me up!!!

Whats yup John !.. What u try’n to get out the Fireturd

unwelcome:beer: if u sighed up to sell!:rolleyes:


whats up guff, not really tryin to sell, just lookin lol, if i don’t sell it im lookin to eventually go 11’s lol, i’ve been signed up for a while, but never really posted ya kno


what did it run at the track ?

never saw exhaust come out like that on a f-bod. clean car though. and your just a pussy for not wanting to drive a stick in pgh. 7spd flatbed in southside slopes and s.hills FTW.

welcome John. You work at Bowser, right?

I quit Bowser, I’m currently selling cars at Saturn of Pleasant Hills, and I love it, If you’re thinking of who I think ur thinking of, thats me lol, and I ran a 13.9 at 103, but I think once i learn to launch It’ll be faster

Hey nice firebird


Word, I drive a 5 speed through parkway traffic in and out every day. Man up and drive it!


thanks for the response everybody, and 4doors5gears we talked down the stadiums last year remember

welcome… 6 Speed FTW



Welcome …

here I am again Rob, lol just tryin to get out into the scene and meet ppl