
this is awesome, welcome!

nevermind… im still annoyed

but what if it really was his father

:Mental note:

dont f with mr. beck

Newman: thanks for the link…hahahahahahahaah


it is, thats my point, but he’s unbanned now. but some people need to settle down and think it seems…

yeah i dont wanna say anything because ill prob get the banstick

+2 Welcome!!!

mr beckingting was obviously beckingtom tryingto have a sneaky 2nd user account …

im thinking of adding Mr to the front of mine so i can troll and noone knows its me :bloated:

as long as theres stupid banning happening maybe we can just switch the colors of the board so they exactly match those of ubrf. then we can just get back to “normal” for a wny auto forum

^^^ haha

Did I mention anything in particular? Nope.
You mentioned the stupid shit, I have a whole list I don’t agree with, including the tats, young loose girls, and attention whoring. Not once did I mention the tatoos though… wonder why you assumed that was my beef… maybe I have a matching tatoo and I thought his haircut was stupid… I don’t know if luring women in on the internet with the sole intent of sleeping with them is so harmless. Nor is having your only goal in life to sleep with as many young, easy girls as possible, that is actually very harmful and not only to your son, but the “girls he sleeps with”. Maybe you should talk about the birds and the bees with your kid… then give one of the birds an STD… have it sleep with a bee… then send the bee back to the hive. Wash, rinse, repeat.

Well then… I know where Beck got his intelligence from. The pic of my car is actually in a parking lot on the waterfront. The car is not in gear, nor is it exceeding the speed limit. Judging by the movie in my signature I would think that is at a race track, a completely legal, safe place to race, and go 100+. I do not exceed 100mph at that track, like most of the people on this board. That is Lancaster Speedway, where I hardly break 80mph… the average speed on the 400, the 90 and most country roads after 11pm.

BTW - This is Mr. Jack…

For the record, I am 42.

As for Mr. Beck, my bull$hit detector is going off hardcore. Time will tell…


How did he know I despise the tat…

Why would he even want to show his face…

maybe beck mentioned to his dad that you hate the tattoo…

adam told me that a lot of people on here hate his tattoo. I have seen the previous comments made about it, as he has showed me in the past. The tattoo was also brought up before you commented. i just figured that this was one of those cases.

and if my son is sexually active, how is that any of your business? and why does it bother you so much? I’ve met some of the girls adam brings home…and none of them are underage. Believe me i would not allow him to touch younger girls.

can we just drop all this bickering?

hi juicedss, nice to see someone within 5 years of me on here haha

i plan on attending the meet ups you guys have that adam goes to sometimes. i would like to personally meet some of you.

woot mr.beck you should come hang out with me and beck tonight

not bickering, but it is not beyond beck to make another account to get a rise out of people.

Have you seen some of the girls he is with? How would you be able to tell them from any other 12yr old?

How is it my business? He brings it to me, and everyone else on the internet. He is very open and sharing about his sexuality. I am completely against it. If it wasn’t public I wouldn’t care… but he makes a point of posting about sexual encounters and stories… not my fault he sleeps around. Its not my daughter going home with him. I guess 47 isn’t too young to be a grand parent…

I look forward to meeting you.

haha. beck’s not forcing anyone to do anything. I never get why people bitched about open sexuality. if he was raping girls or something, thats different, besides, hes only 18, its not like hes 25…

I have no doubt that this is becks dad. I dont think adam would put together such well organized posts (haha!).

Actually they aren’t very well organized. I’m not bitching about open sexuality, I’m bitching about Beck’s open sexuality. :stuck_out_tongue:

Raping? Like statutory rape? :lol: ok.

haha, just barely. hes 18… legal, yeah, moral, iffy…

if he wants to wear girls jeans, so what?


now thats fucked up