
lol…maybe Mr. Beck is actually you ???

beck lives behind me…i see his dad often and i doubt he would pull something wacky knowing i could easily ask about how he is enjoying his time on NYSPEED…i also have no doubt its Mr. Dan

I hope it is… I think it is the first father/son combo in forum history.

He should go to myspace too… I think that’d be hot.

He seems like an allright guy… but I find the parenting questionable… maybe thats cause I was raised differently, wayyyyyyyy differently.

What I say doesn’t matter, cause I’m just a screen name online. But I stand behind everything I say.

no kidding…
…look at beck :lol:

no he is a good guy, from what ive seen his rents are very good ones

haha, where have you been. i wear girls pants too. and girls shoes. and girls socks. and girls jackets. it doesnt matter anymore, but you are from an era where you wouldnt get it.

jack, i find your parent’s parenting more questionable because they have gotten you so intolerant to other people… my parents tought me to be open, and i am. and i dont hate anyone. except faggots.

My parents taught me to hate faggots… that wasn’t a choice :wink:

You both suffer from f’ed up parenting if you hate faggots, but that’s another time, another thread. Some of my best friends are gay, I mean look at Skunk, he hides it well but um…oops, back on topic!!!

I don’t hate fags Butch… you should know that :mamoru:

There’s a lot of beef in this thread.

And I was skeptical also

But he’s legit…

Don’t be so quick to judge, on so many different levels…

one being “who” banned beck on that assumption…

It’s not all about what you people see.

:word: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v492/NjccBflo/1.gif http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v492/NjccBflo/icon_smash2.gif

The problem is that ALOT of other folks DONT understand this idea.


He said “you people”

No beef Howie… nothing new at least. I honestly look forward to seeing the couple at a meet sometime, see how far the apple fell from the tree.

Bring the vette though… I beat a late 70 something crate motor vette last year… said he had a couple bolt-ons too… I hope it was you. It was a close race.

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA this is the funniest post i have read in a while!
Mr.Beck def>Beck
your son is a little weird but after you get past the tattos,pink shirts and the fact that he wear girls pants he is a pretty cool kid

well Mr.beck welcome to the forum :wave:

BTW: Beck when are you going to get your dad to join MySpace? :lol:

god I WISH I could fit in girls pants! you are so lucky to have a fast metabolism!!!111


Dude, I would never invite my dad on a forum…the last thing I need is my dad to find out about my obsession with young black llama


kinda shitty to trash talk a 42 year old guy about his parenting, respect ur elders. Im sure that beck is catching some shit from his pops about wat u guys are sayin on here, have some respect for a friend and his father

Cool! Welcome aboard.

lol this thread should be a sticky :lol:

best thread ever lol

welcome aboard :wave:

Worst saying ever

Haha, this thread is awesome. I’ve only met Adam once, he was a cool dude. Father seems alright too…

DEF. need to sticky this, some damn funny quotes in here…

say whatever you want. my father is an outstanding guy :tup: he has no enemies, and i have yet to ever hear of anyone hating him or disliking him.

he taught me to not judge people on how they look, or dress…or to judge them on their sexual life.

hes put me through college, helped me out with lending me money when i needed it (new tires and tranny), when my probe died, he bought me a nicer replacement car, and asked of nothing in return. we rarely fight, and yeah when we do, its just because hes looking out for me.

hes made fun of me before for being a little light in my loafers, for wearing girls jeans, and my pants too low…but that doesn’t mean hes going to bash me for it.

as for what i do behind closed doors, he respects that its my life. if i get a girl pregnant though…thats different. I HAVE NEVER HAD SEX WITH ANYONE UNDER 16, and ever since i’ve been 18, i have not touched anyone under 17. :snky:

and hes legit…twizted met him tonight, and introduced himself as being on nyspeed :tup:

again like he stated, ive never been in any REAL trouble, and im not a drug addict. i get decent grades, i treat people with respect, and i open doors for women.

he cant control how goofy i am, and how i choose to dress, or the tattoos i get.

oh well.

the end :slight_smile: