
LOL…you asshole

and on a side note…look at both newman and jack…first look…you would probably think…“fuckin weirdos”

but all in all…they are both some of the greatest people i have met…

don’t judge people from what they or how they look…i mean c’mon…it’s fucking old

hell…i can’t wait to meet becks dad…:tup:

oh yeah baby…hell be down for some meating :lickout:


ok the :gay2: comments are gonna be the result of ur bitch slap when i see u next adam!!! LOL

i met becks dad last night. hes so cool he shits Ice Cubes

oh so that was you? nice to meet you! i was a little pissed last night, sorry i wasn’t as friendly. Took a beating in online poker

Welcome…i won’t flame…i like your son, his tattoo amuses me, i know nothing abut his sex life, he keeps me entertained with is stories, hes a good kid, and he told me to get rid of my Alero ASAP :tup:
enjoy the site, i look forward to meeting you :wave:

and for the record, i was kidding about the hating gay people thing… obviously.

People that are getting on Adam’s old man should really get a life. The poor guy is just on here to post about the work he does, Not:

Comment on Beck wearing girl jeans
Comment on Beck having an obscure tattoo
Comment on Beck’s sexual activity and preferences

Hey Jack, if you want to fucking whine about Beck’s posts, then put his ass on ignore instead of bitching about it in every goddamn thread he makes. You should be more grown up instead of picking fights with him at every turn. :violin:

Go back to not being here… or read up on what you’ve missed out on :P. Beck and I get along fine.
This thread/character was obviously questionable at first… I was testing him to see what would happen… as were many people. I don’t whine about his posts… I comment on them, I tell him how I feel as he does for me… thats why we are here. it is a forum for sharing ideas, intrests, dislikes and porn.

After Howie said he was legit… I chilled. Summer-Donna.

I will slap the Mitsubishi out of you… :slight_smile:

Well, now at least mr. Beck can say he’s seen the worst of online forums.



^^^OMG^^^ he did it!!!

this is awesome…WELCOME

Ok, Mr. Beck, you seem legit so I pass the “old guy” crown to you. Now all the old jokes will be made of you. I hope they bust your balls as much as they do mine.

As for your son, it took me a while to figure him out, but you got one heck of a kid there. Whether he is weird or whatever in other people’s eyes, he’s an alright kid. I have a lot of respect for him now. Admittedly, I didn’t have a lot for him at first.

Welcome to the forum…

cause he had to hit it WHOOOO

haha, welcome mr. beckington :tup: :lol:

that link doesnt seem to be working…is it pron?



lol, I guess you are the real deal. post some pics of the corvette with them cragars :tup:

welcome to nys :wave: