Helmet Discussion

sounds expensive, ill stick with my snowmobile helmet

Those are great prices for SA2005’s.

:lol: Real sanctioning bodies don’t allow that shit in cars. :laugh:

:lol: its who ya know, not what ya have

No, it is how safe you want to be, and if you think saving $200 is worth grey mattter on your dashboard then I guess that’s how it is. SA standars are enforced in automotive motorsports for a reason. Who you know isn’t going to keep you brains in place when your helmet fails.

a Snell M helmet is no less safe than an SA one for impacts. its just other things, like flame resistances, allowable vision opening, etc that differentiate them.

The Snell M2005 specification is the base for the specs. The SA2005 - used primarily for auto racing - adds not only the thicker shield, but also the use of flame retardant paint, trim, retention strap and interior.
The Snell SA2005 helmet also meets an additional rollbar impact test.

rollbar impact tests are no different than the curb impact testing M rated helmets are tested against.

besides there is a very good article on helmet ratings i need to try and dig up. might open peoples eyes to how good Snell actually is.

Please stop giving misinformation, especially when concerning safety equipment.

M = 3 tests. (Flat, Hemispherical, Edge)
SA = 4 tests. (Flat, Hemispherical, Edge, Rollbar)

The edge test is for a single impact.

The rollbar test is for three consecutive impacts.

M-Basically you can fall off your bike smack your head once and soak up most of the engery of the fall (in other words you aren’t falling twice). I am sure there are some horrific senarios that have more than one signifigant impact to the head.

SA-In a car you roll over a couple times your head is going to hit something (roll bar, roof, window pillar) for every roll. Remember you are still strapped in but you have a 10 pound watermelon trying to find a surface to open up on. The neck stretches up to 6 inches during impact.

Either way, no matter what if you dont have a helmet for wnySCCA Autocross then you are going to need one, unless you dont mind frantically hunting for a helmet between work and runs on a day with higher participation. In the summer time it tends to get rather hot and sweaty especially with no shade, sweat in helmets is gross :slight_smile:

From a hygiene stand point its like wearing a bowling shoe that hasn’t been sprayed with disinfectant on your face, or rubbing all over a weight bench where some 70 year old guy just did 10 reps of 20lbs and just about sweat all the nasty of his old balls all over it…mmmmmmmm…yummy :lol:

The main points here people is that we are trying to help you all out. We have heard the complaints from Auto X and are trying to step up and help. Safety, rules, hygiene and the convenience of owning your very own personal helmet are all reasons to participate in this group buy where these prices will only stand for soo long.

Fact is, if you are looking to seriously compete in Auto X. or put serious times down at the track you are going to need a helmet. There is no way around this. If you would like a helmet of your own, now is a good time to pick one up, its winter, the cars away, it isn’t needing immediate attention and hey…this might be a wise investment for that extra holiday cash :tup:

Happy Holidays NYSpeeders :slight_smile:


There is a very good article on how “good” Snell standards really are.

Good read.

Although I will not speculate the nature and statistics of mortorcycle falls I will stand by the need of repeated impacts for the SA “rollbar” standard.

I agree with the need to lower G forces. It seems logical to have a 2 different layers of EPS (ofcourse helmet size, weight, manufacturing become an issue and why go through all that work if there is no standard to meet).

I’m not going to say SA is crap. Just that after that test and other reads I don’t fully stand behind Snell like I used to. Granted I have a Snell M2000 helmet for my bike, but mainly because you can’t get higher end features without a Snell rating in the USA. My next helmet will be based on many other factors other than Snell though.

i’ll stick with the little skull cap i bought for $20 at buffalo bike blast this past summer…