Hey gang, im searching for a helmet for spring, a specific helmet, its an Arai, Noriyuki Okada replica he wore like 10 years ago, i had one for awhile then sold it on here or UBRF a few years ago, i’d love to find another one, Im hopin somewhere theres one sittin in a warehouse NIB. Any ideas where to look, ive done some searchin on ebay, found one on a Phillipines rider forum, but dunno if i wanna trade a Rikshaw for a helmet. lol.
heres a file pic i found, they also came in an all white base too.
Idk man, buying a 10 year old used helmet? That’s kinda sketchy, I’d say buy a new one and if you really wanted to, get a vinyl wrap put on it
Ew that does not match the bike. or are you painting the bike?!
or get one painted. vinly wrap seems about impossible on a helmet. (edit, I can not see the image at work, so Idk if its feasable to get it painted. either way, vinyl wrap isnt really an option afaik)
why pay for old technology… http://www.google.com/products?hl=en&q=Arai+Okada&scoring=p&sa=N&start=30
buy a new one.
not lookin for a used one, lookin for New In Box old stock, they also made em in white, thats what im lookin for just couldnt find a pic.
Travis if you look at a helmet it’s a two part overlapped vinyl, that’s how they make them lol.
I’m gonna have say just buy a new one, a lot has happened in helmet design since then, even if you find a new unused one, it’s inferior to the new gen helmets.
“you only have one head, protect it”
hmm, I have never looked that close. maybe just the funky designs are vinyl? I know my buddy painted a few helmets and he never said anything about taking the vinyl off.
Prolly funky designs, it’s cheaper than painting them for the companies most likely.
there are better manufacturing processes, technically, but that is pretty badass. I would like to visit the shoei factory someday.
hey i know its not the one you want but im selling this one if you want it $225 it was worn 3 times Suomy Ben Bostrom size is med
nice lid, med would be to small for me tho.