My sister gave me a netgear router she is no longer using…but the problem is that the cd wasnt there…my sister cant find it anywheres either…i checked netgears website and i cant seem to kind any software download…if someone can help me out with any website for the software, it would be great.
There isn’t any real software needed on the PC to setup a router.
You can setup the router by connecting the eternet from the computer to the router then goto this site in IE… password should be “admin” for default, if not reset the router, there should be a pinhole on the back, gotta hold that down with a paperclip until the lights reset.
The only real downloads for routers are firmware updates, which if it ain’t broke don’t mess with it
The CD is there for novices… it isn’t needed whatsoever.
As long as someone didnt configure the router differently, the instructions should tell you how to access it as Jabbu mentioned. The user/password may be the tricky part if they changed them… but, there should be a RESET button on the box if that happened.