Help my dog

My girlfriend and I entered our dog ruger in a contest on The contest is for picture perfect pet. The winner receives 5grand. I donate a lot of time at a small dog kennel in my town. So tho it would be great to win 5 grand. We already said we are going to donate the money to the spca or some sort of organization that fights BSL (Breed specific legislation) The jerks who ban breeds of dogs for sterotypical reasons.
Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks everyone.

Dude, that picture is awful. Get something better.

I am they only allow you to upload 1 photo per day. I had to downsize the first picture and it didn’t turn out to well. Thanks for looking tho.

yea looks like a cute dog.

but that pic does not do it justice:fyi:

Yeah i voted and lowered the average on some of the others, but this one is the best so far

i was looking through some of the other pics and yours really isnt that bed but i would take some other ones to be on the safe side and when i have time ill go back and vote so the other ones are lower so you have a better chance

I’ll be eating that at Gin Gin tonight, can’t wait.