HELP!!! need MSD DIS-4 ignition box!

like the title says, we need a DIS-4 ignition box like ASAP. if anyone has one laying around they aren’t using, let me know.


I can rent you one? lol

Dont know how badly you need one… I’m not really looking to sell mine, but I always willing to help another car enthusiast out…

ehh…i appreciate the offer for sure, i don’t really want someone to rip one out of their car though…trying to find someone who isn’t using one.

you sure? it’s just 4 bolts and I have the bypass plug to run in my car while I have it out… I just use mine to retard my timing for spray, and I dont spray often. You could always order one and use mine in the meantime

actually, i think we just decided we’re going to overnight an M&W Pro-14 ignition box. i just hear too many horror storied with the MSD, especially after our AEM ignition lasted all of 20 minutes before blowing out. M&W builds Motec’s CDI’s and they are the shit.