Help power steering belt :|

Ive tried to change my power steering belt all afternoon. after failing to find anythng on thr net on how to change the belt i stupidly tried to change it not knowing wtf i am doing…i losed 4 bolts. one at the front …2 behind the pully and 1 adjustment bolt…found the 3 of them dont do anything for what i need to do and i put the longer bolt from behind the pully back into a hold where a small bolt came out of …realised my mistake and took it out…but now the small bolt wont grab any threads where it used to be…holding the pump on…and ive yet to still get the actaul belt on…so how do i do that and any ideas on how to fix the bolt problem i now have…ill get pictures if i have to to show what i mean …engine is redtop SR

never do things when your tired,FUCK!!!

Isnt there just one nut for the tensioner? You need a deep socket ussually, cause the nut is far down… You loosen that and it comes right off. I know thats what it is for the alternator…at least my ca it is…

okay…went back out and found the bolt there is nothing wrong wit the hole now im jsut stupid lol. but still i think it should be adjusted i still can find the bolt to adjust it but now its to dark

Found this on Nico…highlighted a couple of things for you:

Tensioner bolt

So basically break #1 nut loose, break #2 bolt loose, then loosen #3 until the pump swings down toward the engine, giving slack to your belt. You don’t need to take anything off but the belt…just loosening only. Your #2 bolt serves are your pivot point. Hope this helps.

^^sorry that was for kade…should be similar anyway for sr or w/e motor you have.

try going to
heres a link “
put in your car info and it should tell you or at least help a bit

you might want to loosen the bottom bolt as well so its easier to pivot the pump then just tighten #3, then #1, and #2 and the bottom mounting bolt again

you dont need to take them completely off… jus loosen them and put the belt over the fan and tighten them up…use a deep socket