Help wanted... cameraman/chase car to film motorcycles

a couple of my friends want to somebody with a decent camera to film some wheelies and stuff, its better to do at night time, since there is less traffic, tonight would be a good night… if anybody is doing some roll races tonight, we would love to tag along if you would be willing to film

the problem we run into is the people we know who can film dont have good cameras or somebody willing to drive, and the people who can drive, dont have somebody to operate the camera…


btw this can pretty much be any day or night, but i know theres a couple of us going out tonight, and if anybody thinks they could follow on a certain windy road… i think that would make an awesome vid

bueller? onyx? blackprobe? anyone?

Tonight? I might be available, but I’m currently playing catch-up with several vids. PM me with your ideas.

pm sent… im just looking for a LOWER res vid like you posted of the others… ur high res > than my pc… raw footage is fine… if you could get some film id try to learn to edit it for my own purpose…

you could use it for a new nyspeed vid to…

gimmie a car and ill tape

do you have a camera? if you go to mighty i bet i can get somebody to follow and you could ride shotty with them and tape… that would be awesome…

pm me ur cell and if your gonna be out tonight?

bump bump bump… tonight looks like its going to be beautifull if anybody has a camera… and i think that i would love a still shot with a high res camera so i can play with it in photoshop…

andy, burn that cd and go up to mighty tonight if you dont mind :slight_smile:

I have a camera, and a car that could keep up decently well…would just need someone to ride shotty and press record :slight_smile:

what time you doing this? I live like 4 mins form mighty

ill be at mighty at around 10:30 i think… i work till 10

I’ll see if I can swing up there

look for the silver car with the stupid big wing :stuck_out_tongue:

schweeeeeeeeet… do you have a video camera and still camera?

any body else gonna be at mighty for sure?

See me at Polish Falcons. I’m game to drive.

like i said… i get out at 10… ill be at mighty around 1030-1045… hope to see people there :slight_smile: thanks again

eh i didn’t make it up there till about midnight, maye another night :\

lol… well i got a BIG ticket… so most likely not another night lol… not till i get this one under control

ouch thats not good

hey you did get pics tho

it’s not a wing… it’s a throan lol

i can do this sun night or tonight between 8p and 9pm