Help with Picture Restoration

Nothing yet.
Havent had time to do it. I will tomorrow though, thats why i figure i bump this thread.

I would soak it in water, and VERRRYYY carefully try and peel it off after a few mins, if it looks like it isnt going to happen, you might be able to clean the glass and find someone to scan it in for you as high res as possible and post it on here for me / someone to fix up for you, but if it just is all glare off the glass, its not going to work…

I’d find someone with a good scanner, and get a good scan of it before trying anything. This way you’ll have a good photoshoppable image in case its gets screwed up trying to remove it from the glass.

There is a good chance that some of the color will stick to the glass when you pull it off, hopefully not that much though.

Anyway, here is a thread on the topic:


I’d find someone with a good scanner, and get a good scan of it before trying anything. This way you’ll have a good photoshoppable image in case its gets screwed up trying to remove it from the glass.

There is a good chance that some of the color will stick to the glass when you pull it off, hopefully not that much though.

Anyway, here is a thread on the topic:


Yes, yes, and yes. Don’t do anything until you get a VERY high quality scan of the image.

You can Photoshop the picture back to the original state, I’ve done archival prints far worse than that one.


So i get this PM from JuicedGt. He wanted to give it a shot, and so far the results are amazing. :ohyeah:

I want to thank Joe ‘JuicedGT’ in advance for H00kin’ me up and taking time apart just to work on this picture for me. I owe you big time brOham.


np…its just about finished. few more touch-ups tomorrow after work when my eyeballs are back inside their sockets and i will get you those prints.

btw, the picture of the original does not do the damage justice. it was BAD. after trying several methods to separate the glass, i deemed it impossible without destroying the photo.

So I went and had it scanned into a high res image. and after several hours of photo shopping, and losing my vision…i have it about 99% restored right now. I will post the end result when its final. It probobly still isnt “perfect” but its 65616546x better than the original.

Thank you Sir.:tup:

here is the end result and a comparison…its obviously NOT perfect as i am not a pro…so im not looking for critique…but i think it came out well considering how bad the original one was, i had to “wing” alot of parts. it also looks way better in person.

It does look pretty good, nice job. :tup:

If you want to put some more contrast into it without getting into the color contrast, put it into lab color, go to your channels, and used the sharpen filter on the darkness channel. Use this only when you’ve gotten as far as you want to go with the sharpen tool.

This will sharpen ONLY the grayscale shadow channel, while leaving the colors alone.


im an amateur using PS 7.0 lol.

so no offense, but it dont make much sense to me LOL. i kinda understand what you are saying though…Thanks for the tip!

it is actually a bit darker in person…the photo of the photo doesnt do it a whole lot of justice!

Jo Jo just wants some booty out of it from his wife lol…i think it will achieve at least that lol.


nice job

Cant wait to show the wife.
I might get lucky and get booty from all 3 sisters…lol


I might get lucky and get booty from all 3 sisters…lol


If you need help you have my number.

Thank you all for your suggestions and Joe for taking time to work on this picture.
I gave it to the wife this past saturday and she loved it.

Thanks again:tup:


Cant wait to show the wife.
I might get lucky and get booty from all 3 sisters…lol


k maricon LOL