help with search engines.

i aint good at em…

wondering if someone can point me in the right direction for a solid, well maintained, well monitored job search engine.
ive tried monster with little, to no help. which is discouraging to say the least.
the field i am interested in is such a broad, yet popular spectrum in the location i am inquiring about. its puzzleing as to why i am getting such few results.

welding in PA.
southeastern pa to be more specific.
i was certain it would yeild results as a search for fishing jobs on the bearing sea would. not the case.

any help, a point in the right direction or even a “piss off” would be appreciated at this point…

Craigslist if its a major city

Local news sites usually link to jobs also

my end destination is not a major city, but its is located in harrisburg. so thats promising.

ill check on the local news listings, thanks a ton meng pulls all the job listings. My go to…

Pm me, I have friends all over southern pa

x2 but I haven’t used this service in some time…