Job hunting

What is everyone using to search for jobs?

Pros and cons on what you have used…?

Now that I’m moving out to Cuse I’ve started looking but don’t no how I feel about the search engines I’ve used so far

Just graduated from Oswego with a degree in technology management focused in facilities planning (figured that may influence people’s suggestions)

Since most of you seem to be older on here figured you all have been through this already so post up what you think

Any input is appreciated, thanks

I never found the online listing useful, too loaded with shitty spam jobs. Network, Network, Network. I have a great position and I got here based on who I know and worked hard to keep it based on what I know.

I’ve been looking on career builder mostly

Networking is tough at this point my family has lived in Rochester for many years but I hardly have any connections in Cuse and that will take time because I don’t move there for a month or so

Ideally I was going to try and have a job waitin for me before I moved

First job out of school - Online searches through the normal places, and the school Jobs board
After that - Head-Hunters and Personal Networking.

If I were to start looking now; alumni contacts, head-hunters, and personal network contacts.

What the deuce is that?

Spend some quality time on Linkedin. Just about every time I update my profile or status there I get a few calls from headhunters.

Otherwise if you’re starting from scratch just start throwing your resume at anyone who will take it.

Are there any professional organizations for technology management or facilities planning? Find regional branches and join/attend. Get personal business cards made for these events.

Thanks for all the tips and ideas so far guys

As far as my major is concerned it can range from working at college campus’s in facilities planning departments or a variety of construction management/ project management

I’m more interested in construction management based positions but those are not easily obtainable right out of school so I may have to settle for something a little more entry level

Best advice I can offer is job hunt elsewhere and don’t move to Syracuse lol.

Haha the girlfriend just took a teaching job she couldn’t refuse basically…we plan to move after she gets the NY experience and go down south but I need something in the mean time to build my resume as well


  • Hustling is very good.

Network with professors and alumni. Built relationships with acquaintances because they are where most off the beaten path opportunities will be found.
If your friends knew of a job you’d likely already have heard about it basically.
Good luck

The friends I mentioned are family friends who have careers in the Syracuse area…I would never take a friend my age serious when most of them don’t even have jobs haha

This. Fell into my recent job by chance. Don’t suck at life, and you’ll be amazed what will come your way.

Usually it’s the other way around, get experience down south and then move to NY. If she’s certified in NY, she should have plenty of opportunity down south, they love NY certified teachers there. What school if you don’t mind me asking? You can PM me if you’d like, I teach in the area as well. All kidding aside it’s not a bad area, I just want to get back to Buffalo with my wife.

Kinda hard to network before you have an actual job…

Btw LinkedIN also has job postings.

Ya she was looking down south but this kind of fell into her lap she is a technology teacher at a middle school in the city I can’t remember the name of it…just texted her it is Ed Smith

Like you basically pointed out she would be stupid to pass up a job up here right out of school
There was a surprising amount of younger tech teachers hired in the Syracuse city school area…a bunch that all graduated in the past few years

I’ll second the networking and people you know thing…

I just had a job fall into my lap on Monday that I’m now in discussions about; seems like an insane opportunity.

I networked a contact for almost two years while the company had no opportunities. I kept in touch throughout and when finally something opened up, guess who got the job…

Just talk to as many people as you can. Reach out to strangers in similar positions and keep in touch. By the time a job hits the web, those with personal connections already had their resume hand delivered and are already getting interviews while HR gets swamped with the 100s of applications from the public announcement.

It’s no-holds-barred out there and you have to have an appropriately motivated mindset.

Back when I was a productive member of society at large, I found that,, and all the other career websites FUCKING SUCKED DICK!!! Fuck those shit sites!!! Fucking Kwik Fill was on there under sales. If it’s online on one of those sites, it fucking sucks cock and nobody wants to be neck deep in the shit position that they have open, that’s why it’s open. Talk to people, kiss ass, give them a handy, whatever you can do. I wouldn’t even waste my time on those shit sites, all you’ll do is get depressed/