Have you moved to a new city alone?

Pretty much for work with no parents or friends in the area.

How did it go?

How did you find information about the place?

How did you get your resume there?

I did. It went pretty well. I got lucky meeting friends(thanks to a nyspeeder), but if you are a social person, it really isn’t that hard. A lot of apt. complexes have pools where I am, so thats an easy way to meet people.

city-data.com forums

Careerbuilder, yahoo hot jobs, dice, monster, etc…

well i ended up moving to tampa with a friend…but before i moved down, i joined a lot of the local car forums and what not to get familiar with the area, and meet new people on the forum before meeting them there. That was a good idea on my part, met a lot of new people right away and made moving much easier.

forums really got me to know the area well, also driving around everywhere.

as far as resume, i just searched for jobs down there before i moved (all the online job search engines), and sent my resume everywhere. I talked to companies while i was still in buf, and we set something up to meet/interview when i eventually moved down.

city-data forums has a ton of useful info :tup:

Its not that bad…Just drive/fly down rent a car and check out the area…

I would also check with city-data before renting any apartments…

Moved to Detroit for a job, no family, friends, etc. Was OK, actually made a lot of friends through work and still talk to a few of them some 3 years after moving back to Buffalo.

flew to dallas with a duffel bag, picked up a car i bought online at the gate with a signed tittle and no plate, drove it to a DMV to put a plate on it. drove to the school in houston, found all my paperwork was lost, could not admit me, no housing available until paperwork was fixed. lived in my car, couldn’t start my GI bill until school was started, had unemployment checks get returned to ny since i had no address yet. lived for nearly a month on nothing. squatted the city, bummed fuel reciepts from the flying J customers for shower coupons and coupons towards food, slept under the stars. had $4.11 in my checking account the entire time i couldn’t use b/c my check card expired. got into housing, which were a 3 bedroom apts leased to the school that had beds in. underage roomate had a bottle of boons farm that got found and i was of age so i was evicted, got my own apartment that weekend, no money for anything, slept on the floor, ate out of gladware for a few months. uhm yeah, i’ve moved to a city by myself before, it can be done with nothing, jump in with both feet and you’ll get it done.

^^^ wow.

And that kids… is why Z is burly as fuck.

This is good info. I kind of wish I had done this before I pulled the trigger on my place now. But time was a factor. You want a laugh, enter 44128 as the zip and check out the makeup of my spot.

Anyway, the first time I moved out to a new city I called around to the new city’s school I was going to attend, and asked. I even blind-called a few area pizza joints and asked them what they thought was good, bad, or ugly so far as locales went - that worked surprisingly well.

Cliffs: It was pretty uneventful.:uhh: lol


Drove to Dallas, lived there for a couple months (for work stuff). All in all I had a pretty good time, met a lot of cool people and it was nice to live in another part of the country for once.


I think they finally got the interwebz and email to work across state lines now…


everybody i know that moved solo has come back. anybody who moved with a friend or g/f stayed

put my resume on careerbuilder/monters/etc.
it was found by a job-placing company out here
they set up 7 interviews in 2 days, i came down and got hired at one

after i moved, i spent the 1st 6months just exploring the area, driving around and getting lost and finding my way back, but i didnt make any friends my age. I hung out a few times outside work with coworkers but they were all older w/ families + multiple children.

I eventually got a p/t job working at the mall, met some people my own age, met their friends, etc. and couldnt be happier now. Best thing i ever did was getting that crappy p/t job.

boxxa do you have steelies on? if so I think I was driving in front of you last night merging from the 290 to the 33

if it was you, get off my ass! ha

well I took a week off work and went down to fort lauderdale right after that bad snow storm we had 5 years ago ( the one when we got stuck in the cars)… interviewed at three dealerships and took the one that was right buy the beach ( pompano beach) after that the rest of the week I looked at apts… when I got home I picked the apt and did all the apaer work through the fax, and they mailed me my keys… then i just loaded up my winter car ( 1997 neon with snows still on it ) and drive down…

as for living with no fam or friends… its hard , if you bring a girl she will more then likely cheat on you ( happen to my buddys and me down there ) SO DO NOT BRING A CHICK OR HELP HER MOVE THERE AFTER YOU DO… the best place to meet people is at work , but do not forget these will not be the kind of friends you have up here in buffalo ( the kind that you know your hole life and will kill for you )… after a year or so you can find a good crew to hang and party with , but more then likely you will find only like 2 people that you can trust and become good friends with…

Its cool to move but you will never find people and friends like the ones in buffalo or your hometown… the holidays are hard but its fun to come back to town…

The one think you should def have is at least $5,000 - $10,000 in the bank to back you up when you move down … just for the problems you can not for see

No. I have the stock sport wheels and tires on and wasn’t in that area.

It was more of a question of did online searching or posting it on monster actually work or did they physically have a contact there that asked for it.

Def agree about the girl. If I do end up moving, its to start fresh. Working now is tough since I work with all 50 year olds and 1 person who is a year older than me and worried about the same situation somewhere else. Ideally, looking for a younger demographic location would be the best where I can find people who were in the same boat as me and moved down there with no one too.

Good news is that I am perfectly content living on my own and being independent as I have been for the last 2 years.

there’s a difference in being independent and being alone. Those first few weeks/months before you make friends will contain some of the loneliest and most emo weekends you’ve ever had.

only if you make it that way… i lived in 9 states in 6 years, i’m very comfortable alone. IE: ALONE. i lived at a somewhat abandoned rail head in Barstow CA. anyone in the army been to NTC? that rail head. i was on an M88A2 Hercules tracked recovery vehicle. (tank tow truck) some one star thought it would be great to have that vehicle support the next unit coming in for training at Erwin @ NTC since i was on one of the first 4 put into service at 4th ID. so i chilled out there, watching tracks, trucks, and tanks unload waiting for one to fall off and then i’d have something to do. then the next unit came and went, ect ect… 4 months later i was still there. i did almost a 5 month rotation at that storage railhead. i talked with the civilians and got my 88 loaded up going to Hood and walked into town, bought some jeans and a T-shirt and went grayhound back to hood. boring part was it would be 2 or 3 weeks between when i would see anyone and all i could do was stay cool and chase shade, and explore. steal MRE’s at night when units were there. the little shopette PX was only open for a few days a month to buy other supplies, until my direct deposit stopped. i was reported AWOL and had to sort that out when i got back. so yeah, fuck the army and being alone is not the end of the world kiddies, go explore and get a volleyball to name.