help with steering wheel

Hey guys. i bought a new steering wheel a aftermarket one and i want to put it in i got the addapter adn stuff i just want to know how to pull it off and how to relocat my cruise control… any help would be great … thanks

Everything ya need to know (a complete how-to on the process):

BTW, What wheel did you get, how much, and from where?

its nothing spectacular its a itchibahn one i got it at west side performance… i got the wheel for 60 bucks no tax so i couldnt turn it down … its a nice wheel its black leather and yellow… i will have it in as soon as i get a steering wheel puller…

what kind of HUB did you get? Its a pretty simple install, just make sure you have a large socket to install the hub.

I have to relocate my cruise buttons too, but haven’t figured out the wiring yet. If you figure them out, lemme know please. that site is kinda skethy on their wiring section, but aside from that, it tells you everything