Helping make cops even more lazy?


when i watched they said it was better on gas that bicycle’s ?

no shit

Why can’t they just come out and say it.
Our cops are too fat to catch a fast skinny kid with nothing to lose, and sense we can’t shoot him we need a scooter.


Do I ride a scooter because I’m fat, or am I fat because I ride a scooter? Who cares, call the scooter store today!

First work injury on that thing… $1,000,000… just wait.

Everyone knows how stable trikes are. duh.

Do I dare to wonder why my taxes are so high?

It should be everyone’s right to run from these stupid ass things.

Oh look he ran up a curb, oh well. He’ll come back.

Hahaha, god damn they are stupid.

I can just see them sitting in a room staring at a catalog and saying,

“Damn, that thing looks cool and fun to play with! Screw practicality, it’s not my money!”

lol @ no bikes.


took the words from my mouth. I want to know who the dope is that gave this “project” the green light. They should be fired.

We should just give the falls to Canada and be done with it

You honestly think they would take it?


We all know how much corruption there is in WNY so I figure in about a year we will hear how the chief of police bought these from his brothers company and got some kind of kickback.

no shit, I wouldn’t be surprised in the least bit


Wasnt there a report that the roads are radioactive too?