Hendrick Motorsports Plane Crashes...

Details are still coming in…

A Hendrick Motorsports plane headed to the Subway 500 in Martinsville, Virginia, has crashed in the Bull Mountain area of Virginia, state police there confirm.

“The plane was en route to Martinsville and lost it on radar and that’s all the information we have,” said one NASCAR official. “We’ve been in contact with Rick Hendrick…we just don’t have a lot of details at the moment…we are going to say a prayer for everyone in the Hendick organization."

Several high-placed sources inside NASCAR confirm these passengers on the plane: Tony Stewart’s helicopter pilot (who was not piloting the plane), two people who were piloting the plane, John Hendrick (Rick Hendrick’s brother), Ricky Hendrick, Randy Dorton and his two daughters.

NBC now saying seven confirmed dead, witholding names.

NBC 6 News TV out of Charlotte, NC is reporting live that John Hendrick, Ricky Hendrick and engine builder Randy Dorton were on the airplane.(10-24-2004)

not again… what a sad day

thats really sad!!

they said they got waved off the first pass and they didn’t make the second pass

stupid question but are they Nascar drivers??

yes!part of the teams,not a driver,one is a bush driver!

Just heard… they said all 10 people on board are dead :frowning: :frowning:


Ricky Hendrick, Rick Hendrick’s son and also a NASCAR driver; John Hendrick, Rick Hendrick’s brother and president of the organization; Kimberly and Jennifer Hendrick; Joe Jackson; Jeff Turner; Randy Dorton, the team’s chief engine builder; Scott Latham, a pilot for NASCAR driver Tony Stewart; and pilots Dick Tracy and Liz Morrison.

Dick tracy should have looked for clues

sad very very sad!!!

dam :frowning: