Maybe Jack Roush should stick to the car thing. Planes don't seem to agree with him.

And finally, for the :picard:picture of the bunch

These are good too:

Accident was caused by a plane cutting him off in the air

looks like he had enough time and space to not crash though

Unless he was on approach, already at low speeds, and stalled from the avoidance maneuver

No, he was bump drafting.

scary… was anybody hurt?

---------- Post added at 03:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:18 PM ----------

what kind of jet was that btw?

he was hurt, and it was a crashed one.

Beechcraft Premiere

This happened about 3 weeks ago, there was 3 or 4 ppl on the plane, everyone walked away. Roush spent 2 weeks in the hospital for facial injuries though.

Legislation is now in the works to mandate all future aircraft built to deploy an air bag system.

Roush had a broken jaw and lost the sight in one eye. It’s too bad. Mike (02NismoSpecV) and I met him last year at Woodward. Great guy, very down to earth, and in great shape for someone his age. Unfortunately, he will miss the car show on Thursday night that kicks off the Woodward Dream Cruise weekend.

There was a picture of him floating around, getting out of the airplane with blood all over his face and shirt.

He was VERY lucky.

Not even fucking close. Listen to the audio, he didn’t fly a stabilized approach and was more concerned with other planes than his. He is blaming everyone else to include ATC because he knows this is his second crash is 8 years and he is going to get ass fucked on the investigation. Jack did this, no one else.

He could have gone around so many times it’s sick. He was 3/4 down the runway before he decided to touch tires, he was almost centered on runway 18, not where a jet lands. He should be 50 feet or so by the beginning of the runway, he was 200 feet at that point. He attempted a go around but the aircraft was already

He can point fingers, but he fucked up. More money than sense, it’s sooooo common. In aviation.

Google “fork tailed doctor killer” to show you how big the problem was and is.

His injuries included a fractured back, broken jaw, and the loss of his left eye. Yes, that’s right — Roush lost his left eye.