so do plenty of other religions. Jehovah’s witness…ever ring your bell during dinner?
And then there are those religions who just throw a bomb through your window if you dont go their way.
I agree that the facts of God is pushed too much, but its also lost a lot because its plagued as “wrong thinking”
I was baptized Catholic…but I did not practice bc my mom lost faith and didnt see a point in me to have it if she didnt…so when Gram took me to Church every weekend…I saw no need to be there. Had my Grandmothers faith and the faith and strength of my family (outside of my parents) not been in my life I would have ended up in the streets selling myself for gods knows what…
Im not trying to preach bc by all means, the lightning is now above my head waiting to let loose…
I am not even going to get deep into this one. This is a rough issue for me to talk about.