Creation Science Quiz

I got a big fat zero. Let’s see how smart you are…

yuck…religious crap…I got a zero as well…but I did laugh at some of their answers.

God creates earthquakes to punish the sinners lol…Maybe thats why they generally hit california lol


Objective: Using the Holy Bible as your guide, correctly answer each of the following scientific questions.
“Well there’s Your problem”

yea, I guess that would do it. I left mine in the hotel nightstand…

  1. Why are some men afflicted with hemorrhoids?

A. The affliction is yet another of God’s countless methods of punishing sinners.
B. Hemorrhoids occur when veins in the rectum enlarge from straining or pressure.

oh and

There is no way that is a real site. Christians don’t really believe all that crap. But hey what do I know, I only went to a baptist church for 17 years.

science > religion
(oh man im gonna get flamed)

BTW i got a 0

That site has been around for a few years, it’s humerous if your not offended easily, I believe the guy who owns/runs is is a huge atheist.

^ exactly what is so offensive about it?

Some of those Bible thumpers get their panties bunched up about eveything. I don’t find it offensive, but I’m sure sombody does. It’s actually a mockery of religion/Bible, although it look legit:

Baptist Behavior 101 and Fines for Misconduct: The following violations will result in a monetary fine of no less than $200.00 as to be determined by Church Pastors and Elders: Failure to show up at church on time, Failure to attend a church service without written permission from a pastor or other agreed upon authority, Church parking lot violations, Single males or females caught in the houses of members of the opposite sex without proper supervision, out after curfew, failure to tithe, failure to perform Christian Service obligations, Use of a church key without proper permission, Sleeping and/or horseplay during church services, reading of ‘crime oriented’ comic books, possession of alcohol outside of Post Communion Party regulations, idol worship, inappropriate dress in town or in church, dress related to ‘counter-culture’ movement, beards are not allowed except with special permission from Pastor Smith himself, long earrings on women, use of tampons is strictly prohibited, men with earrings or jewelry of any kind, hugging, possession of pornographic material (except for widowed or single men over the age of 65), failure to identify oneself to a church authority, failure to answer a call slip, witchcraft, dancing and/or skipping, association with Catholics, Presbyterians, Mormons, Methodists, Unitarians, Episkypols, or any other occult activity (unless under supervision by Dr. J. Edwards), failure to conform to rules and regulations, failure to submit to authority, the questioning of church authority is not tolerated and may result in dismissal, failure to bring at least one new guest to church a week, failure to win at least one soul a week, disrespect, lying, stealing, cheating, plotting, failure to have a demon-possessed infant sterilized, attendance at non-Christian owned picture houses, and rock music. General Rules are subject to change at any time without notice. Members are expected to find out what the new rules are within two hours. Let us note here, 'A Christian who is interested in doing their own thing, will not feel comfortable at Landover… we would even go as far to question whether or not that individual is a Christian to begin with.

We make no bones about it. If you are a member of our church, or if you are an unsaved stranger, passing on the street. If you encounter one of our pastors, he immediately becomes your authority, according to scripture. Landover pastors can tell you the moral temperature of this Country at the drop of a hat. They can bring down the wrath of God, or turn up the heat of Hell with a simple prayer or rebuke

Perhaps the fact that it just makes fun of Christianity because ignorant ass holes can not accept that some people believe in God and not just man’s ideas.

I say we make fun of Hinduism. They worship a 6 armed elephant. What a bunch of morons. they also think cows are sacred. Hehehe they should all die in a fire. I don’t understand any of their beliefs so I am going to make fun of them because my beliefs differ from theirs. Hahahaha. Or how about those damn Muslims. Their women all have to cover up while in public and they all kill themselves and blow each other up because they are stupid. What a bunch of retards. Why would anybody actually believe in something besides all powerful science. Science has never been wrong ever. It is the absolute truth, only us intellectuals understand that, everyone else is just a close minded moron for not thinking the masses are right in telling them what to believe.

That’s how all of you sound when you make fun of Christianity the way you do. You people don’t have any REAL reason to hate them. They are just an easy target for you to pick on, so you openly bash the shit out of them. What is the real reason you people have such a problem with somebody’s beliefs? Is it because they say something is morally wrong and you don’t like them telling you you are a sinner? Or because they say abortion and homosexuality is wrong? So what if they do. That does not give you the right to bash the shit out of them, yet when somebody bashes what you believe in you defend your beliefs vigorously. You preach tolerance and acceptance and individuality but can not accept those who believe in God. Yes, in the past people have done some awful things in the name of religion, but churches are also the ones helping the poor and needy. They are always accepting of everybody no matter what your background or what you have done. They welcome everybody with open arms, though they may not agree with your lifestyle or what you do, they will still help you in your time of need. Who else can you honestly say does that all in their own free time and out of their own pocket?

Oh, I see what you’re doing there. you’re making fun of extremists (in a sarcastic way, yes i know i get it).

they’re doing the same thing. making fun of extremists. they aren’t making fun of those who can use rational to believe in religion while still accepting the factual findings of science

you my friend, missed the entire point

edit: that is the craziest thing I’ve ever heard. no reason to bash christianity? do you have any idea how many hundreds of thousands of people have been wiped out for the spread of christianity? cot damn. what about the lack of separation of church and state some politicians and political organizations try to push?


Hey man, I believed in a god or a creator of some sort for a really long time, now I just find it ridiculous. You believe there is a god who created humans, our earth, our solar system and our universe right? So if your god created humans, are you right and the rest of the global population is wrong?

And how hot is hell?

Well considering that statistically something like 80% of the world’s population believes in some form of higher being…I would say no :gotme:. I fully understand that people have done horrible things in the name of religion. But they have also done some amazing things to aid people also. Its kind of like gun owners. You can not blame the responsible ones for the crimes committed by the irresponsible ones, like these so called “gangstas”. You can not hold people who are religious today responsible for things that have happened in the past, especially when in modern times religion has done so much good for mankind as far as humanitarian aid.

“some form of higher being”?

As a christian, you believe in 1 god and ONLY 1 god. The same god whose only son is jesus (unless you think the two are the same being). Some form of higher being is just not acceptable. You either believe in this 1 god or you are going to hell. Do you not agree?

I do believe in one God. I was saying that the vast majority of the world is religious in some way. Dude…to be quite honest, my shoulder and back hurt so bad right now I’m literally starting to tear up. I’m going to slam some codeine and go to bed. When it hurts to breathe…I know it’s time to lay down. I’ll have my full rebuttal for you tomorrow.