Henry Rollins Teeing Off..

As far as creation vs evolution goes. I am a Christian and believe what the Bible says. The Bible says that God created the universe. It doesn’t say what exact mechanism it just says he did it. It also says he did it in 6 days. As a Christian i don’t get much into the old earth new earth deal because I just don’t care. However for those of you that think that the Earth is billions of years old just keep in mind that time is relative and is distorted by gravity and speed, so who knows what perspective the 6 days was from. The Earth could both be created in 6 days and billions of years old.

The problem with any scientific theory of creation is that at it’s core it has to assume that something existed. It may try to explain how this matter interacted with other matter to create what we say today but at it’s root it has to say “stuff” just existed. It takes a larger large a leap of faith to think that something just appeared form nothing and happened to accidentally create the universe that it does to believe that God just was and created us.

There is a truth of how we were created and what happens after we die. What that truth is, can be open for discussion but to dismiss it is foolish.

If anybody wants to talk more about this feel free to PM me.

actually Id trust Rollins more. Nobody would believe that mother theresa just ripped you off cuz its mother theresa and i bet that sneaky bitch knows that to.

she would jack me for my shit and then blame it on Rollins who was in the neighborhood playing stickball with the children

Rollins is so fucking bad ass.

Interesting idea. Never heard that one.