Here We Go Again...


while I dont agree with any major censorship of video games or media I do agree with this statement:

“they’re on a mass killing spree in a video game, it’s glamorized on the big screen, it’s become part of the fiber of our society. You take that and mix it with a psychopath, a sociopath or someone suffering from mental illness and add in a dose of rage, the suggestibility is too high.”

While you and I easily know the difference etween a game and reality, someone with unstable psychology can easily intertwine the two.

The ricers and the idiotic videos on you tube, and the ridiculous forum threads have shown us just how incredably stupid many of the people growing up are. Time and time again. The suggestiblity factor is very high.

Parents are the #1 problem, then schools and society/culture


Violent video games do tend to make us desensitized to violence to a certain degree, but it takes a pre-existing mental illness to take it to a level that crosses over to the reality thresh hold. I am an EMT, I have seen things that will make you puke and give you nightmares for a year…but I don’t go out killing people. This person was obviously fucked up and blaming video games is just a way to alleviate the personal responsibility that he had to what he did. Everybody is so quick to blame the person’s upbringing or violence in the media etc. before they say “hey, this guy was just some psycho nut whack job”. They try to make him look like a victim of society and place the blame on everybody as opposed to just the person who did it.


Michael Moore I give it 3 months.


Don’t get me started on that vulture piece of shit.