leaving now…
:steelers: :steelers: :steelers:
what time is the game?
im leaving at 5!!!
HERE WE GO STEELERS HERE WE GO :steelers: :steelers: :steelers:
haha, just scored 2 free tickets to the game! Leaving in 20 mins !! :steelers: :steelers: :steelers: :steelers: :steelers: :steelers: :steelers: :steelers: :steelers: :steelers: :steelers: :steelers: :steelers:
buddy!!! :boink :hitit:
ugh, i went to two bars looking for this game. Finally ended up at a friends house who had direct tv nfl ticket. still not the whole game, but better then nothing.
yeah, the bar I went to couldnt get the game on Sattelite for some reason. So I got pissed and left.
I SWEAR I saw whitey there…