
I’m really enjoying the break from Gabriel Gray being the “bad” guy and shifting to Adam.

What do you think?

Heroes has been amazing this year; I’m actually likign it over Prison Break :ugh:

One thing I can’t stand is the friggin Maya storyline :run:

So looks like this season Adam is the bomb :rofl:

I guess you could say that Adam’s the type of character you just can’t kill off!

Yeah I agree with Gonad…it is way better than the current season of prison break. I’m digging the fact that all the powers are evoling to a higher peak

I just saw the season finale… and all I gotta say is… oh snap! :smiley:

It was the 1/2 season break, not the finale, iirc… =D More to come in Feb?

Oh, I thought it was the season finale, b/c of the whole end of part 2, and then Part 3 bit.