way to go whitey with this section.
what is all needed to run the cars at these events. especailly up
at Beaver run?
way to go whitey with this section.
what is all needed to run the cars at these events. especailly up
at Beaver run?
Originally posted by ohsoquik02
way to go whitey with this section.what is all needed to run the cars at these events. especailly up
at Beaver run?
a car that can handle the twistys and a decent driver :poke:
thats basically it. you have to pass an inspection before you go out on the course.
www.beaverun.com I think they have a sheet on their for qualifications of the car
im just saying that jimmysolo did it and he had a cage. also do you
have to show proof that you can do the course?
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes::tool:
also do you
have to show proof that you can do the course? [/B][/QUOTE]
:rolleyes: :wtf:
yeah they make you bring a video of your self driving the course before they let you on!:rolleyes: :nuts: :stupid:
Originally posted by 2FNFast
also do you
have to show proof that you can do the course?
:rolleyes: :wtf:
yeah they make you bring a video of your self driving the course before they let you on!:rolleyes: :nuts: :stupid: [/B][/QUOTE]
for autox they are very laid back. they do no tech check at all. its a different story when the scca holds autox at beaver’s VDA though. you can expect the same tech that you will go through at a north park autox.
as for open lapping days, you have to have a car that is deemed safe. have at least stock seatbelts and two seats for first timers because you will be required to have an instructor drive with you till you are bumped to hpde2. you cant have any excessive fluid leaks for obvious reasons and your tires have to be up to par as in no belts showing. honestly if your car is able to pass inspection you are good to go. there is no roll bar/cage requirements because you are not actually racing. its point and pass on the front straight only but they will let passing on the back straight slide also. just make sure your brakes are in good shape because beaver likes to eat brakes and left left side tires.
thanks, that is what i wanted to know.
what’s it usually cost??
like he said quick your car got to be deemed safe…lol
i read 300 with there mazda 6 and 175 with your car
hpde’s are 150-190 depending and sometimes but rare they will hold two session hpde’s where you only get two 20 minute sessions but its only 50 dollars. they will hold these in the late fall and early spring where daylight is an issue.
the full day hpde’s will go from registration at 8am and racing at 9-10 depending on how many cars show up and what not. then they will divide everyone into three groups if they have enough cars. you then alternate for twenty minute sessions all day with an hour break for lunch around 12-1 or so. if its a small group of cars that day they will sometimes just keep the track going and you can enter and leave as you please all day. very good bang for the buck for seat time. you will get at least an hour and a half of at speed track time and up to 3 hours if its a small group.
Originally posted by slowcamaro
like he said quick your car got to be deemed safe…loli read 300 with there mazda 6 and 175 with your car
i was referring to my Z24, drew carey
Originally posted by germ
hpde’s are 150-190 depending and sometimes but rare they will hold two session hpde’s where you only get two 20 minute sessions but its only 50 dollars. they will hold these in the late fall and early spring where daylight is an issue.the full day hpde’s will go from registration at 8am and racing at 9-10 depending on how many cars show up and what not. then they will divide everyone into three groups if they have enough cars. you then alternate for twenty minute sessions all day with an hour break for lunch around 12-1 or so. if its a small group of cars that day they will sometimes just keep the track going and you can enter and leave as you please all day. very good bang for the buck for seat time. you will get at least an hour and a half of at speed track time and up to 3 hours if its a small group.
thats not too bad at all. definately not something to do every weekend, but once or twice a season wouldnt break the bank.
anything in the neighborhood of 75 bucks
Originally posted by ohsoquik02
anything in the neighborhood of 75 bucks
sometimes nelson ledges in ohio will have hpde’s in the early spring and later fall for 100 but they are ussually 150 there.
thats about the cheapest you will find. if you want to get some practice at driving your car at its handling limits you should try autoX for a while before doing any track days. you will learn so much about your car on even your first autoX.
its well worth the money, quite possibly the best time i ever had in my car…
w00t…looks like me and the eclipse are goin up sometime next year.whitey let me know when u go up and i’ll go up with ya
Originally posted by brokeasskorean
w00t…looks like me and the eclipse are goin up sometime next year.whitey let me know when u go up and i’ll go up with ya
woohoo!!! I was when i read you were going to sell the eclipse… I thought I lost a road racing buddy…