Hey Bike Crew...

Anyone want to go riding today??


No really though, I was wondering if anyone had experience with adjusting the valves on a bike, I am probably going to take it to Hebler’s but if I could save money and possibly do the work myself or have someone help me I would much rather do that. I also need to replace front and rear brake pads so I will probably do that if I can also.

I have the bike stored right now, it’s on the front and rear stands, two car garage with plenty of room to work. I also have access to most tools that I would think would be needed, minus the spacers.

If anyone could help me out, I’d appreciate it.



I dont know how to adjust the valves, but I’m willing to help with whatever else you need to do.

Pick up a service manual for it or even stop by the dealer, usually they’re pretty cool about making a copy of the procedure for it. If the task looks to hard then take it to them.

hey, maybe you should freggin text me
ride that shiznaze over

I can help ya out, i’m right down the street from hebelers. If you wannna spend a little money I can give you a hand.

Edit: what kind of bike?