No I wanted to actually see if I was in the wrong and would have 100% apologized to yetti and everyone involved but since I’m clearly not judging by people’s unbiased opinions I won’t be doing any of that nonsense



Whatever…ill stop arguing I don’t get my jollies off like other people who like to argue (madwabbit that was actually funny what you said )

It’s funny cause its true ! I don’t even know u outside of here and by the way u act I have zero desire to know ya ! U may be cool as hell on the outside but u have a huge authority dick now your a mod lol . Ask most anyone on here , I’m not a asshole and will bend over back words to help others . I also don’t ruffle feathers when not needed that’s y I don’t get called a nazi mod like u are

I try to help whoever I meet but being a complete asshole and dbag and using slurs like gay and faggot (I know it wasent used in this instance but he and a few others use the term very loosely) I will not tolerate that shit and you being a mod shouldn’t either, that’s what really set me off,

But whatever your right and I’m wrong… Sry ill stop

You and Vlad are the only mods to not use those words lol so every mod is a joke on here ? Orrrr is that u just think this is something it’s not ?

No reason for this to be locked ! Members have a right to say what they want and how they feel ! If he can’t take the heat may e he should reevaluate himself . If I pissed members off I would wanna know and why .

Never called you a terrorist or a communist… Should we be worried? Was that your way of admitting something? Should we lock your wtb thread looking for assault rifles?..

No probably not i wouldn’t say anything that far fetched. I simply called you a “tool” and a “cunt”… If you’re going to throw things around get it right. I’m sure there’s some other small jabs floating around but i don’t care…

But ya know kid it is what it is. Keep calling us all crazy when you’re clearly the one not on the same page as everyone else in here…

Thanks Obama!!

FUCK I KK’d… I’m drunk I’m going home

i could respond to so much in this thread but i’m just going to comment on this. theres a huge fault in trying to get other locals forums opinion on this local forum, they don’t know us in person, off the interent. that is why this forum functions because most of us know each other.

will yetti come off as a dick to someone that doesn’t know him if they read his posts on a local forum that he knows most of the people on personally, you bet your fucking ass he will, will yetti come off as a dick in real life if you don’t know him, thats like a 50/50 shot, is yetti one of the best people i know and if i needed help at 4am he would be one of the first people i call because i know he would be there for me.

theres a big majority of us that have been friends for years and years, from before apg had a forum and this is how we function, were car people that bust each others balls, thats why this forum functions the way it does.

did any of that make sense? I DONT GIVE A FUCK lol


Yetti i think he’s mad because you got my coffee machine before he did…

still use that thing all the fucking time. My girl got the k-cups that are all kinds of crazy fucking drinks.

People like Captain are what’s ruining this forum. Who the hell micro manages a local forum, damn.

People like Yetti are what makes this forum.

If it didn’t bother the OP then it shouldn’t bother anyone else including mods. If its flagged handle it accordingly other wise stfu.

Stop trying to be a hero.

Yeah! Ya queero

Seams like the majority thinks captain is overbearing for no reason ! Bet ya he still does it

Where is sweatyandready?

What transpired last night is a perfect example of your OP’ish™ behavior.

You get told “what’s up”, first by Yetti and then by everyone else.

You cry.

Then you say your final words and lock the thread promptly behind you. That’s fucked…and the exact concept you cant grasp. You have no idea what you are doing.

What a chode. I cant believe its made to be like this is a legit job and its taken beyond serious. Really need different non hard on mods around here. Actually, Most are cool its just the ones like Captain who ruin it. I HIGHLY doubt you went on to any forum, Posted the issues at hand and people sided with you or said anything negative about what goes on. Its hard to understand the local people on the local forum when youre not localcor in captains case, no one likes you. Boo this man.

General Rules for Mods on Shift518:

1.) Single out certain people for using words or phrases everyone else uses
2.) Try and stand up for yourself when said member calls you out
3.) When you can’t prove you are right, lock the thread and ban the member

*cited from the book “How to make your forum a successful business and other tomfoolery”