LOL. People taking this serious enough to get butthurt need to get a life, get laid or get a hobby. Probably all three.



but come on game of thrones and walking dead aren’t on… I need entertainment.

I didn’t think the aids comment was bad, I lol’d, but you immediately calling him a cunt and opening up this thread proves his point 100%

i love drama. :popcorn

ps: john isnt a fag, hes just bi-curious. PJB that means he likes to try new things with the opposite sex.

Its not gay if its through the pants

I didn’t call him a cunt until he edited my post saying i was a troll and sending me a pm lecturing me like i give a fuck… Guys a tool


yes im the tool that has a huge ego and think i know everything and am above everyone else :slight_smile: im glad you are so aware of that and that we are on the same page

and please tell me more about myself, and do you plan on writing a book? if you do ive got some great eye grabbing titles!

back door mod strikes again! The Rise Of craperton merrgan! (play on your spelling good right? ) thats just to name a few lmk what you think

ohhhh i got one!!

The terrorist… or the Communist you decide…
writen and made up by yetti!

damn i can smell a best seller with its own table at barns and nobles with that one!! waiit no shit i just farted my bad the two smells confused me

these attempts to be funny are depressing

I’m not trying to be funny at all just getting on the same page as everyone else

U did it yourself dude , like I told u before unless u have complaints and its not racial let shit be ! But noooooo u gotta attempt comparing shift to other national forums and be a dick to people and tell them how to behave lol .

I miss Corey Maurer’s build thread…anything is better than this.

So wtf was the point of the las Vagas section then wasent it agreed upon if that was made the bullshit would be contained in there?

I posted a link to a few forums about this with examples two national ones and a few local ones in mass and one in Cali and the general consensus from people was that this site one gives upstate ny a bad name and the business it represents a bad name

Well your the tool that posted it ! Good idea lol Las Vegas was born so its a complete for all mostly . The b.s your attempting to mod wasn’t bad . How fucking hard is that to get ?

Ok. Now I’m laughing at you.

I like you in person man. Seriously. On the Internet you sound like a whiny bitch. Forums don’t need the regulation you are trying to provide.

This is not a business. You are not “speaking softly and carrying a big stick”. You are walking around like a chihuahua nipping at members ankles.

Captain, you’re gay. Just stop. Everyone here is friends with everyone else but here you are, the new kid, telling us how to talk to each other. Just shut the fuck up already. No one gives a shit what you think, no one gives a shit what forums type on our how they are, definitely no one gives a shit how other people see upstate ny, and lol @ anything about business. This isn’t about vlad’s pocket book. It’s about the local car scene and the people in it.