hey guyz help me fix my car quik!

today i driving home down #9 and i turned a corner left when noise started comming from taillights as i turn but when i apply gas more than 60 noise goes away PLZ HLP!

Muffler bearings might be acting up.

I have a set of two, brand new in box.

$150 obo.

muffler hanger bearing you idiot.

Nutta can you go find me a bucket of compressed air?

probably your vtec solinoid. they are usually rear mounted.

Your most likly low on tail light fluid. Go to CT and get Dot 12 tail light fluid.


hahah you guys are terrible, but very funny

oh chit, you guys are brutal.

You guy’s are all asshole’s

hey guyz i currently drive south when noise begin again sound likes giant winged creature in tailight but now noise happen only when traving in southward directions head due north noise appear go

follow the rainbow

anyways im curious ot know what kind of noise it is…
like viberations?
