83 accord hatch. 50k original miles.

isn’t it neat! i am trying to talk him into an h22 swap. how sick would that be??
83 accord hatch. 50k original miles.
isn’t it neat! i am trying to talk him into an h22 swap. how sick would that be??
ahhh those cars are soo hot…lol
Is it fuel injected?
/\ nah carbed a real mans car
Definate sleeper potential
Holy clean honda batman, I’m impressed that the starting procedure piece is still there.
wow, that could be a crazy sleeper.
woooooooo omgggg…put a turbooooo in it, and a b18 swap yo, fosheezee
shut the fuck up. you are ugly and therefore have no say in anything.
It looks like new!
17 oil changes in 23 years?!?
YO put an ls1 in it and then put a turbo with 3 miles of piping on it, yeah
ugly in the sense that…i don’t look like this:?
where the fuck do you get off coming into every thread and talking shit for no reason? seriously grow up
oh yea that is a damn clean car.
i like the 5 speed emblem under the passenger side tail light
cause stock camaros run 12’s.
I’m a chevy guy. And I’ll be the first to admit… camaros suck.
The people that drive them suck even more.
They are poor mans corvettes… without the styling.
Now, lets get back on topic and talk about this savy accord.
^^^^haha nice.
that is damn clean :tup: