Hey kids

thank god. i was starting to get creeped out, and have been watching my dirt star since then. :eek2

ok to clear things up… user status, OG or 100+ posts will be granted entry. once you achieve 100+ posts you become a “contributing member”. users with OG member are those who joined in 2007. they, regardless of postcount will be OG members, they do not become " contributing members" i hope that clears up some confusion on that subject.

and welcome back Akira, wheres the Skyeighty at?!?!?!(APG forums reference)

whats up Akira? Welcome back man

Hey Walt, what’s goin on bud? Haven’t seen you in a while.

dude ya sound like me exc im a fat guy

I’m a big fat hairy mick, so I hear ya.


haha yeah its been forever man, nothing new here, except i live in CT now

You still make the venture now and then?

We should have an OG meet soon lol.

welcome back man long time… so i cant remember if you told me the last time i saw you or not but what did u do with the S12 u sold it after the sr swap right

and i agree with Cossey og meet asap

No, the S12 is still sitting at Jon Powell’s shop… rotting. He neglected to tell me for 3 years that the floors were rotting out, the frame isn’t good, etc etc… which is funny, because it was when I brought it there 4 years ago. Whatever. I’m just trying to either sell the SR20 and use the cash for the SE-R or find something else to drop the SR20 into. I was thinking an early 90s Nissan Hardbody… EL OH EL.

Jon is still around? Damn I thought he up and left to work on strictly domestics. Last I talked to him he said he was through with the import scene because no one had the money to finish what he started. He’s an awesome guy.

Yeah… real awesome. Except I paid him to do an engine swap 4 years ago and he still hasn’t finished it. Real cool.

bein a shift OG overrides the requirement to have the needed amount of posts which I think was more than 50 but i dont know

and welcome back Akira man, never met ya but thats cuz im a n00bie, will see ya this summer prolly

Mike, good seeing you out again. Good seeing you, as well. It’s too bad that the car’s not finished, I was looking forward to it. Let’s debadge the SE-R :slight_smile:

yeah he did the same thing to my brothers friend, he put a RB in a 240sx. Took 2 years to do it. He drove it for about a month and the engine blew now it just sits.

Yeah I was back in the 518 this past weekend. I never made it up to albany though

awwwww, no wonder I dont see you anymore man. that sucks.

Nice one by Jon… I only talked to him a few times and let him do my harness since I wasn’t capable at the time (:retardclap). He did a nice job and was quick about the turnaround. Invited me to see his projects and even helped with my car in diagnosis of a few small issues.

But, I did most of the work myself and never let the car out of my hands so I couldn’t say how well the rest of his work went.