Hey MBA's!

How did you prepare for the GMAT? I just signed up for it. I’ll be taking it 2 weeks from yesterday. Any tips?

good luck :slight_smile:

take a practice test to get used to the format.

2 weeks is a short amount of time, wouldnt you say? lol.

depending on how well you want to do… consider www.transcender.com


I only studied for 2 weeks.

Get yourself a GMAT prep book. Do the practice exams. See how you do.

I bought a math and verbal prep book. Read through the whole thing twice and took all the exams. Seemed to work out. I’ll have to check and see which one I have because they have all kinds of little tricks for figuring out the right answer even if you are clueless about solving the problem.

2 weeks seems like a really short amount of time

:word: and make sure you take your time on the first few questions, as the first 10 on each section determine most of your score…
also practice your mental math because no calc

^ yeah the first few will determine the difficulty and the grade range you are going to be in. If you start answering a lot of questions wrong, then they will throw easier ones at you.

As far as 2 weeks not being a lot of time. I couldn’t study anymore after 2 weeks. I was dying to take the test. I studied about 2 hours a day for the 2 weeks. Sometimes a little longer, sometimes a little shorter.

buy a kaplan book, go over it cover to cover, do not go out for said two weeks, pass test, profit

I just signed up for the GREs, ugh should be interesting

Yeah 2 weeks is quick, but I’ve never been much of a studier so 2 weeks is probably the most I’d study anyways. I studied for the SAT’s by doing one practice exam the night before. :stuck_out_tongue: Plus the time crunch will help motivate me to keep my balls to the wall, so to speak.

I’m pretty much just expecting to spend time learning the in’s and out’s of the test format and remembering how to write a coherent essay. This is partly based on arrogance and partly on input from friends who have taken the GMAT within the last couple of years.

The night before the test at 3am I looked at the practice tests they give you. Then I got up in the morning and scored 99percentile on 2/3 of it. So… do that :lol:

My advice, take your time. The questions are one and done - no going back. So I was worried about time and did the math in half of the allotted time. Once I settled that out, it was clear sailin for the other 2 parts

yeah, gmat really isnt too difficult if you know how its structured.

I got a 720 with an hour of prep time and i’m not that good of a writer. for anywhere around here you probably dont need much of a score anyway

:lol: I’m not going to go by what you guys are saying for fear of getting complacent, but yeah that’s about what I’m hearing and sort of expecting. UB here I come!

Haha I was on UB’s resnet from 2000-2005 on my own account, still on through my fiance’s IT account since she’s there for speech grad school now, and then will still be on through my own account from 2007-2011 since the PMBA is a 4 year program. I’ll be the creepy old guy on DC++ telling stories about how “I was the first person in the dorms to get kicked off of Napster for having Metallica on my computer back in ought-one.” :rofl: Actually I think it was still 2000 when I got kicked…

2 weeks… grab a GMAT test prep book, and just learn the format. its really not that hard. but make sure that you don’t rush, and ensure that your first 7 questions for a given set are 100% correct… you’ll end up having a higher score in the end due to their crazy point system.

the math section is basic stuff that you learned in 7th grade… really. its that easy, just remember your basic “math rules”

plus, depending on where you are applying, you may not need an amazingly high score.