SAT Questions...

So in a few weeks i will be taking my SAT.

-How long/much did you study?

-What did you study most?

-What score did you receive?

-Average in High School?

-Most difficultly with what section?

I am really good in math so I am not to worried about that but i was going through the prep book and i was having difficulty with a decent amount of words in the english section. Any ideas to help fix that?

Any tips on how to study or prepare?

Any test taking tips? There is some in the book but i do not like living/dying by the book.

I would be really nervous…If you fuck this up you will fail at life…

Eh not really going to kill myself if I do terrible, just trying to get into the best school I can. Good attempt at humor though.

Lol at taking him seriously… I think you’ll find that a lot of the people on here dont remember the last test they took, yet alone a test from 6 years ago.

Good luck, dont stress over it, if you do bad, take it again, if you do bad again, you can always flip burgers

I was by no means a genius, but i didnt study and I got a 1280/1600, who knows how its graded now…

Live by the book.

I used to be an SAT prep instructor. Everything is black and white with the test. For example… you score a certain number of points on the essay by having a thesis, five paragraphs, and a conclusion. You could write nothing meaningful in between and still get those points.

Buy a prep book, read the tips and tricks, and take a lot of practice tests.

I didn’t study for mine, its things you’ve been tested on all throughout school anyways. But if your going to study what Silver suggested makes sense

Most of the people on here took the older version of the SAT which is different now.

I took the prep class…studied…felt good about the test… and got a 1040…

I took the ACT without doing a thing and got a 30… Proves standardized tests suck and do nothing.

I took my SAT back in 2003 and got a 1080. i never studied ever till i went to college last year. I was great at math but my engrish sucked. But the SAT didn’t really affect my future at all. Now a days i’m sure if you do poorly then you might as well bend over b/c everyone judges what you know based off of letters and numbers given to you by other people rather than what your actually capable of. test’s > me, but that doesn’t mean i don’t know what i’m doing.

I got a 1400 (back when the test was out of 1600) completely high and hungover… I forgot about it. In reality this test is not what you know but do you know how to take a standardized test.

I took the ACT three times trying to get the elusive 36, but every time I took it I got worse. Started at a 32 and ended at a 27. Studying the material will only help you so much, learning test prep will help you more.


Get the book that tells you how to take the test…studying material is useless. I skimmed over the book, and took the SAT 2 times. The test is no big deal, just make sure you eat alot before you go in, its a long time to sit in one place. The first time I took it, I didn’t eat, drank 2 cups of coffee and tried to take it, i was all shakey and jittery the entire time…it was terrible.

Theres my advice.

I got 1450 and did terrible in high school…

Where are you trying to go for college?

I took prep classes for the sat managed to get 1000ish. That test is biased anyway.

God high school thats 10 years ago for me. Is the board really that young now.

You can always transfer out of a shitschool…

and I learned way more at NCCC than my friends did in their first two years at UB.


I got a 1210 in 11th grade back in 03. 27 on the act that same year. It got me a free ride to Alfred State so I never re-took it. I think my high school average was a 93 or something, I dont know how to study so I just walked in and took it.

Those scores are only good for getting into college right after high school. Anything after that it doesn’t matter really. Like I couldn’t get a scholarship using those scores now. So dont fuck up picking your college, you can only claim them once. no double dipping.

On the 2400 test :mamoru::mamoru::mamoru:

On the 2400 test :mamoru::mamoru::mamoru:

Oh and yeah +1 on where/what you are trying to do for school. Depending on that it could mean jack shit other than a scholarship opp. Best of luck.

hahaha what a dick! lol

I didn’t study at all…think I got a 1210? but this was the old SAT, I hear there’s like a new format or some bullshit w/ different scoring now…even if u are good at math, u still need to do a few practice problems etc to make sure ur fresh on all the algebra and trig and shit.

As far as english goes, make flash cards, and u can write down synonyms & antonyms on the back along w/ the definition, and just read them everyday