Hey Mr. Hennessey, hope you're sitting down..

Quoted from another forum.


That’s what you get for leaving exactly one car width to an overtaking car. Vintage racers. ::slight_smile:

look at red lobsters rear wheel! :ohnoes

This at Laguna Seca?

Yeah, photographer is near-ish the apex of Rainey Curve (T9).

Yea, Don W’s(and Bills too) 935 k3. At least they’re out by Andail anyway. Always a shame to see one crack up as they’re even more expensive to repair than the 962/956 chassis.

Damn HSR drivers, half those quacks aren’t even qualified to race an FSR/DSR let alone a machine of that caliber. Some of those cars are cruising towards half a century old and can still kick some major ass on the track but when they swap paint it’s $$ measure in gold bullion terms :idiots

And Hennessy, not Hennessey ;D

Damn it :rofl

Way to return phone calls!

I know I usually call you and end up not following through though, totally understandable. Seems to be my M.O. and is mostly due to being broke and getting tickets or other more important financial obligations.

Wish I was rich :rofl

Nah, I got your message(rearend/diff mounts) and you’re on a list of people to get back to. Usually takes me 1-2 days to do so with the amount of work and daily phone calls. If I answered the phone every time it rang this time of year I’d never get a thing done ;D Easy 20-25 calls per day.

what ya didnt like what my boss told ya fizzle :nana

Nah he didn’t tell me anything, I’m supposed to stop by tomorrow afternoon.

ahh ok

contracting out the work on adam. good boy. i’m so freakin busy i don’t even have time for my cars right no.


likewise :sad