Wow… that’s pretty gay. I thought it was stupid when I saw it in a PT cruiser, I thought it was stupid when I saw it in the other 8 cars, I still think it’s fucking RETARDED.
well then here is something with some silly ricers :tup:
ok that link was funny
I wish murder was legal…
eh, not nearly as funny as the pt cruiser one. at least they shook the camera when he “shifted”.
Hey guys
Lets get in my car and pretend to shift it
and we will tape it and post it all over the internet…
fucking weak
Yeah and you drive a F-bod all the time too
well… :meh:
If I drove mine, you’d know. Beleive me :whip:
OK the second link was amusing.
I don’t think the guy in the first was born with testicles.
hahaha yea real high pitched voice, I thought it was gonna hit vtec a few times…
2nd link is great lmao
Holy shit, this video is as old as the internet.
I think he was just imaging that he was driving, because he’s the guy who got his lisence pulled for setting up for a 30-130 roll race and a cop pulled him over before they got to the third beep
ok, the dude in the cobra was lame, the dude in the PT was gay…BUT!
I love this one
the supra part is ok, he does a decent job at making the sound effects. the civic part is hilarious! OMG LOL @ the wheel hop, I replayed that part like 5 times:rofl:. talk about great camera shaking!
Not a Cobra
lol I was gonna say, that doesn’t look like a mustang’s interior