Cool KB Cobra fly by vid...

Cant wait til mine sounds like this :slight_smile:

:drool: the sound > *

ya know … usualy the idea is to hump OTHER POEPLES cars … not to hump ypur own

cool vid tho

:gtfo::lolsign: No way, I am gonna hump hump hump til it hurts :smiley:

^^ive done that

its not as fun as it sounds

especialy if its your balls that start to hurt first

then you have to hump in a way where your balls arent slaping her ass

nevermind … ill stop now …

I think he’s earned the right to hump his own car…and if he doesn’t well, i just might :lol:

sick :tup:

lol stealtth well there are 2 pipes :naughty:

I wonder how different mine will sound compared to that one though. He is running 23 psi, I am only doing a wimpy 17 :cry:

OHHHHHHHHHH SNAP!!!:hitit: :hitit:


Cool paint job!

mmm… Supercharger whine :slight_smile:

… ehh been there done that… just another day at the farm.

(im just busting on ya mike, well kinda, u know)

Boy, his car may be fast, but his driving sucks. He can’t stay in between the lines while shifting.

Thats what happenes when you got TQ :slight_smile:

nice car, sounds badass!! gay paint though:tdown: