Hey nerds: Wireless router question ITT

walmart sells routers for cheap.
linksys ones at that.

you could try a usb wireless antena for your pc or laptop… but if it dont work you would have wasted money.

i had an issue with my router a while back when we replaced it. I had to add a diffrent aftermarket antenna to the router to extend the range inside the house…

Just pick up a linksys, you can find Wireless G ones really cheap someplaces, for around 30-40 bucks…

D-Links are garbage… I’ve never had a good experiance with one

Belkins can be decent

linksys ftw

I can say the same for LinkSys and Belkin as everyone seems to have good/bad experiences. I got two DLinks and they work fine. I think anyone of those cheap ones will have the same chance at working out ok.

Well I guess theres a few dlinks out there that are not to bad… but i try to steer people away from them as most people would rather pay the 30-40 bucks for a linksys then a more expensive d link that may work

I didn’t know they were more expensive?

Like I said, they are all the same and I jsut go for whatever is on slickdeals that’s cheap. :slight_smile:

well the basic dlinks are cheap, but dlink makes a few more expensive routers that are somewhat decnet

i ment most ppl rather pay for a cheap linksys that will always work vs the dlinks more expsensive routers

Apparently I bought the worse Wireless router ever for $31 shipped.

Thanks Shift.

Thats what you get for bidding without anyone giving you a real answer in the first place

Edit: Or looking at reviews beforehand :banana

Fizzle = noob :haha :headbang