The new crib has only a road runner modem, no router, and the wireless I pick up is weak and only in my bedroom. Great for fapping, not so great if I want to go take a shit with my laptop.
Is there any special kind of router I should get, would be simply for a home network.
I have $35 in my paypal, I refuse to spend more. Including shipping.
Could someone just link me the best option for me out of these? NIB preferred for obvious reasons.
It can be complex but I’d just connect your RJ45 into it and plug the wireless into the wall and then use your PC’s browser to log into the wireless router and set the wep key. Then, configure your wireless card to use that wireless router/pwd and you are done.
Do some weed before hand so you are at 100% capability.
Benny, I didn’t take it outside to GET a signal. What I was saying was my cheap Belkin even got me a signal when I was outside. I took it outside to practice guitar 'cause my parents kicked me out of the house with it for making a racket.
I’ve setup my wireless network like 2139821 times because my family likes to reset it when they think they know what they’re doing. I have a Linksys WRT54G. I’ve had it almost three years next month and it’s never given me any issues. I think I paid $50 when I got it from Best Buy.
At the end of the day, the only thing thats truly important, the only one thing that really matters is whether or not you can post and shit simultaneously.