who cares? lee evans sucks just as bad as football in general.
i’m sorry, i just REALLY hate football, lol.
i couldn’t draw a bills jersey if i saw one in front of me.
i did go to school with a lee evans though. he was a skinny little white bitch.
were you at the original pancake house the other day? some one told me that then too
ugh no i wish. i <3 the pancake houseeee
i aggre i dislike football, lol drawn newman darnit!!!
lol. i don’t get why everyone is always all over newman.
lol ok draw a picture of yourself, lol i’ll do my self… give me a minute
this explains the pizza thread.
lol sad thing is that really is what i look like…:headbang:
lol shit it looks like i have a vag…
huh, what are you talking about
5000000lb person + tiny little honda= dumped on the left side, stock ride height on the right side.
lol i think you know me…
possibly. idk.
lol i kno who your are steve…