Hey night crew.

lol night crew is going to be intresting tonight, wtf wolf in a top hat…

night crew fucking blows.


i aggre even tho im night crew… i suck at drawing pic’s

why am i humoring this lol

idk… but whats next lol

Oh ya, my turn to choose huh? Ok, lets see a WS pic of a hot girl holding a flower. BUT. She must have an old school look to her. Think Betty Page or something lol.

Im too tired to think creatively. Or just draw a character from…Family guy

lol it was allready done but the hot girl ideal is good draw “black betty” CUASE I WANNA KNOW WHAT SEE LOOKS LIKE :slight_smile:

idk how to post it

what ya posting?

brian griffin lol i just dont know how… probly my computer, or just me… consider me a member of the night crew haha

lmao. If you drew it in ms pain just save it as a gif or jpg file than go to “go advanced” and than click on manage files than upload it

ok got it… i’m awesome lol

Edit: next item is to draw a Lee Evans throwback jersey in ms paint

what happened to his feet? he looks like a… merdog!

i did the best i could with what i had ok lol

Dont listen to the heaters. Brian the Mer-dog is the ish.

lets get this party started in here, draw newman in ms paint lol

i can has dick in pants?

lol what every you feel newman looks like…

no this is crap… draw the lee evans jersey