Hey night crew.

The night crew isn’t retarded, just a bunch of idiots. I’m all for helping someone overcome the obstacles that are deterring them, but if the individuals aren’t willing to change, well there is only so little you can do.

You can only offer someone help for so long before you are just enabling them… Just as you can only learn some of life’s lessons the hard way.

I’m sure the guys that have posted about their dysfunctional relationships have learned that in order to represent the Y chromosome, you can’t be a metro sissy. Down the road, they will take that experience and help someone else come to the same realization through the same humiliation they once endured.



Draw: A flying saucer.


draw: an invisible boat?

Have you considered going into digital media art?


Draw: Cheese

I was here last night until 5 AM GTFO!!! :lol:


edit: Draw an awesome cliche

don’t be pissed because you have no artistic abilities.

She’s “giving him the boot”


Im outta time for now…someone else think of the next one…

Fair enough. Truth be told I started this thread to mock the night crew, but then they were all “Hay I can do that!” So I felt bad and went with it. Then it actually got entertaining.

OMFG :lol:

just wanna say i read every post and was like… is this real?


i’m dying right now

whats next?

a helicopter crashin into water



does that count ^ and does this count v

does this work…

wtf was that? How about this one…


next, keeping with that theme…a shark eating a helicopter pilot.

dude you have some talent you should probably go pro…


i actually made this for just the helicopter crashing.